Facial Gua Sha

When I catch a glimpse of myself post-treatment, my face is bright and clean, its natural lines defined as if the angle of my jaw and the plane of my cheek have been sculpted anew.


Facial gua sha is a traditional Chinese technique that involves using a smooth, flat tool to gently massage and scrape the skin on the face and neck. This technique is believed to have a variety of benefits, including improving blood circulation, reducing inflammation, promoting lymphatic drainage, and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

During a facial gua sha session, the practitioner will apply a small amount of oil or serum to the skin and then use a gua sha tool to gently scrape the skin in upward and outward motions. This can help to release tension in the muscles and fascia of the face, as well as stimulate the flow of blood and lymphatic fluid.

Facial gua sha is often used as a part of a larger skincare routine, and is typically done once or twice a week to help maintain healthy, glowing skin.

Facial Cupping

Facial cupping is a beauty treatment technique that involves using small suction cups to gently lift and massage the skin on the face, neck, and décolletage area. The cups create a vacuum that increases blood flow and oxygenation to the skin, which can help to reduce inflammation, promote circulation, and improve the complexion. It is believed that facial cupping can help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin elasticity, and promote lymphatic drainage. The treatment is typically performed by a Licensed Acupuncturist and can be customized to suit each individual’s skin type and concerns.